“The universe always makes up for what is gone. Nothing lasts forever, even if it's sorrow.” —Anita Pertiwi
“For this journey, I’ll learn how to accept mistakes and welcome loses, for sometimes to love you need to be lost and accept losses.” —Ilham Septian Maulana
“Aluna's life journey had a bitter start, but with great patience and dedication, she finally become the happiest woman alive.” —Aulia Dyah
“... although he is also a bit traumatized in relationships, he is willing to learn, trust, and love someone.” —Gita Apriliani
“A true best friend will always stand by you.” —Helmi Debataraja
Anita Pertiwi, Aulia Dyah, Ilham Septian Maulana, Gita Apriliani,
Helmi Debataraja
Executive Editor
Aisyah Al Baroroh, S.S., M.Pd.
Aditya Tasya
Muhammad Ali Rizal
Nurul Hasanah Nasution
Penata Letak
Muhammad Adji Pamungkas
Niken Hapsari Cahyarina
Pendesain Sampul
Hanung N. Putra
Ellunar Publisher
Email: ellunar.publisher@gmail.com
Website: www.ellunarpublisher.com
Bandung; Ellunar, 2023
117 hlm., 14 x 20
ISBN: ---
Cetakan pertama, Februari 2023