“What exactly am I?” (Ahmad Jajuli)
“I am your home, you will comeback and find the way.” (Gina Novianty)
“But this promise was only fondly spoken with acrimony left.” (Hasna Nailil Falhain)
“It gets me wondering what is the price of an invaluable one.” (Muhammad Ega)
“I don’t hate you, like the falling leaf never hates the wind.” (Nur Amalia)
“I don’t want this world be the night.” (Raden Abdul Hanan)
“Thank you for finding me.” (Siti Hajaroh)
“I’ve found a heart, have you found yours?” (Siti Nurhalimah)
“But turned out it’s you, yourself, refused to be a remedy.” (Vitania Anggraeni)
“The song I hear today seems to awaken the pain that used to exist.” (Windy)
Ahmad Jajuli, Gina Novianty, Hasna Nailil Falahain, Muhammad Ega, Nur Amalia, Raden Abdul Hanan, Siti Hajaroh, Siti Nurhalimah, Vitania Anggraeni, Windy
Leony Rahmawati
Nurul Hasanah Nasution
Penata Letak
Muhammad Adji Pamungkas
Pendesain Sampul
Hanung N. Putra
Ellunar Publisher
Email: ellunar.publisher@gmail.com
Website: www.ellunarpublisher.com
Bandung; Ellunar, 2023
58 hlm., 14 x 20
ISBN: ---
Cetakan pertama, Februari 2023