In days of old, when people got lost, they looked up at the stars.
The stars were the people’s way of navigating. Polaris marked the way north. The Southern Cross showed the way south. Orion rose in the east and set in the west. Following the stars was how sailors fought their way back to shore, how adventurers set their course, how people had a sense of direction in life. But sadly, perhaps it never even crossed their minds that maybe, just maybe, the stars could get lost, too.
It’s just the bitter truth, isn’t it? Caregivers are never cared for. You spend your entire life helping people, but no one even realizes how in dire need of help you are. You pretend that you’re alright in front of everyone, but in the end, pretending only hurts you more.
So to all the lost stars in the sky, the caregivers who are seldom cared for, this book is for you. I hope it’ll be your friend in your darkest days and loneliest nights. And maybe, it’ll help to remind you of your light, and how the world is only brighter with you in it.
At the end of the day, know that destiny will keep tugging your heartstrings to where they belong.
Fidela N. Ervan
Nurul Hasanah Nasution
Penata Letak
Febriani Tabita Dara Ninggar
Pendesain Sampul
Hanung Norenza Putra
Bandung; Ellunar, 2020
iv+201hlm., 11 x 15,5 cm
ISBN: 978-623-204-475-3
Cetakan pertama, Mei 2020
Rp90.000 (hardcover)