MASUD H. MUHAMMAD NUR was born on 20 May 1948 in a small town Kampong Serosah, Kuantan Hulu, Kuantan Singingi District, Riau Province. He’s the sixth son of ten children from Hariyah and Muhammad Nur, his parents. His father was a village head and her mother came from a farmer family. His father was a scholar in his village, fluent in English and Arabic as he could stay for 25 years in Singapore Malaysia (the term at that time) and finished his education both in Assegaf School and English high school. He followed his father, who was a popular Syekh Haji around 1930 Singapore and came from fugitive figure against Dutch Colonizers from Indragiri. Masud had went through elementary school in Jake Taluk Kuantan (1959), Junior High School in Air Molek (1963), then completed his Senior High School in Pekanbaru (1968), Riau. Having completed his bachelor degree in IKIP Muhammadiyah Jakarta (1990) and graduate degree in STIE IPWI Jakarta (1995), he then continued his doctoral degree majoring management in Technological University of Philippine (TUP) Manila around 1999-2002 until he conducted the dissertation writing. Eventually, he achieved his doctoral title in Ibnu Khaldun University (UIK) Bogor in 2014. Since 1990 til now, he has become a lecturer in University of Muhammadiyah Prof Dr. Hamka (UHAMKA), his alma mater. Now, he teaches philosophy course both in bachelor degree for the economic faculty and the graduate school of UHAMKA. He has been a journalist for 20 years for Kiblat Magazine and had been invited by many countries abroad.
DR Masud M. Nur
Wifda Indriani, SE., M.Ip.
Penata Letak
Febriani Tabita Dara Ninggar
Pendesain Sampul
Hanung Norenza Putra
Bandung; Ellunar, 2020
v+90hlm., 13 x 19 cm
ISBN: 978-623-204-431-9
Cetakan pertama, April 2020