The English for Islamic Broadcasting Communication book is a textbook based on English for Specific Purposes. The materials presented are made to be interesting to learn, simple, easy to understand, with diverse themes by prioritizing some of the skills to be achieved in the learning process such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Furthermore, the learning materials provided are also very relevant to the reality of the daily language of the students of the Islamic Broadcasting Communication Study Program. Finally, the material for listening skills is also equipped with audio-visual sources and transcripts.
Ivan Achmad Nurcholis dan Wahyudi Badri
Nurul Hasanah Nasution
Penata Letak
Niken Hapsari Cahyarina
Pendesain Sampul
Hanung Norenza Putra
Bandung; Ellunar, 2020
xxii+63hlm., 21 x 29,7 cm
ISBN: 978-623-204-370-1
Cetakan pertama, Februari 2020