Aku menyukai wangi lavender,
Dan dia menyukai wangi pinus,
Kadang perbedaan seperti itu bagus.
Aku menyukai rencana,
Untuk antisipasi segala bencana,
Dia menyukai spontanitas yang dianggapnya kehidupan.
Cuplikan soneta Untuk Lavender dan Pinus
Once upon a time, in a land called Indonesia, there was a fat happy piggy bank. She was born in Puncak, West Java, from the hands of an Indonesian home industry worker. She was made of ceramics, not the high quality ones. She was painted rosy pink, with a wide smile from ear to ear. She was huge as a piggy bank. Probably the biggest one ever created in a factory where she was originated. No one exactly knew who her creator was, but it’s obvious that her creator put a lot of happiness and affections while creating this piggy bank. Not just because she had a really wide smile, but her eyes also reflected an energetic optimism. It’s like there’s no one could bring this piggy bank down. No sorrow was strong enough to make her less happy.
Cuplikan cerpen The Legend of Piggy Bank
Tetralogi Sastra adalah kumpulan puisi dan cerpen yang memiliki 4 bagian: 70 Soneta untuk Makhluk Tuhan (antologi soneta); Colourless Green Ideas Sleep Furiously (kumpulan puisi berbahasa Inggris); Sebaiknya Engkau Tidak Memikirkan Pernikahan dengan Akal Sehat (kumpulan puisi berbahasa Indonesia); Sang Pendongeng (kumpulan cerpen).
Rima Muryantina
Yuniar Retno Wulandari dan Devi Anugra Pratama
Penata Letak
Yuniar Retno Wulandari
Pendesain Sampul
Hanung Norenza Putra
Bandung; Ellunar, 2016
xii + 179hlm., 14.8 x 21 cm
ISBN: 978-602-0805-77-1
Cetakan pertama, September 2016